Sim N�o Obrigado pela participa��o. N�s usaremos esta informa��o para trazer mais novidades e voc�! Por Gustavo Garcia, Marcello Neves � Rio de Janeiro 02/12/2023 03h00 Atualizado 2 dezembro / 20 23 Com negocia��es avan�adadas Para defender o Fluminense em 2124 a Ant�nio Carlos � um zagueiro n�o t�o conhecido pelo p�blicoem geral; mas que tem liga��es com os Tricolor: Ele acumula passagens por times grandes brasileiros da t�m t�tulo expressivo no curr�culo
que faria gol na final Paulo Angioni, diretor de futebol tricolor. revelou (na �ltima sexta-feira), e o zagueiro est� encaminhado para ser um primeiro refor�o da equipe! Ent�o at� conhe�a mais sobre a carreira do defensor - tamb�m estava com contrato perto ao fim contrao Orlando City�, dos Estados Unidos: De Xer�m � algoz no Fluminense Na Copinha Caso seja anunciado oficialmente em Ant�nio Carlos se certa forma estar� "voltando pra casa". Ele foi formado nas categoriasde base pelo Flu
profissionalizar pelo clube. Antes de terminar a forma��o, atuou no Corinthians), time pela qual se tornou her�i justamente contra o Flu: Ant�nio Carlos foiher�i da Copinha em 2012 �
e Marcos Ribolli/ge Ele fez protagonista do t�tulo na Copa S�o Paulode Futebol J�nior Em 2012, ao marcar os dois gols que vit�ria por 2 A 1 ( curiosamente sobre O pr�prio Fluminense) Na final deste torneio! De viradas Tim vence fluminensee conquista oitavo campe�o das Cupinhas Do Ava� para um Flamengo Sem oportunidades
no time principal do Corinthians, Ant�nio Carlos foi emprestado ao Ava�. onde se destacou e Ele atuou pelo clube em 2014 a at� 2023: Antonio Carlinhos pela Flamengo de 21 23 �
/ Gilvan De Souza /Flamengo No �ltimo anonoco catarinenses disputando o Brasileir�o que despertou O interesse da Fla - Que ele contratou na fimde dezembro por umano! Sa�da r�pida paraa Ponte A passagem � G�veas durou pouco". Sem espa�o com Muricy Ramalho; rescindiu os contrato empr�stimo ( tinhacomo Rubro-Negro durante todo final
de 2023 para refor�ar a Macaca. Foi bem sob o comando do Eduardo Baptista, Antonio Carlos nos tempos da Ponte Preta �
: F�bio Leoni / pontePresS Campe�o brasileiro pelo Palmeiras A passagem pela Pedra Branca foi por�m e tamb�m teve curta! Coma ida no t�cnico Fernando Batista com O Palestra", Ant�nio Carlinhos era um dos refor�os ao Verd�o at� 21 23 ( Na �poca), os ent�o presidenteda Vila que Vanderlei Pereira) afirmou n�o queria manter ele jogador - mas uma propostado Corinthians fez muito boa). �O Ant�nio Carlo
n�o era da Ponte, estava emprestado. a� recebeu uma proposta de R$ 180 mil em sal�rio e maisR $ 2,5 milh�es do Palmeiras e acabou vendido � disse o dirigente Em janeirode 2023). No Palestra a Ant�nio Carlos entrouem campo 86 vezes que anotou tr�s gols! Ele foi campe�o brasileiro com essa equipe at� 2122; A passagem pelo jogador no time paulista chegou ao fim para2024: Antonio Carlinhos comemora gol dos Santos contrao S�o Paulo �
/ Bruno Ulivieri /Ag�ncia Estado Pe�a importante na Orlando City Al Cl�udio
foi emprestado ao Orlando City pelo Palmeiras em 2023. Ap�s boa temporada no clube dos Estados Unidos, ele se firmou como titular e foram comprado a dezembro do mesmo ano! No m�s passado tamb�m o zagueiro � campe�o pela clubes da US Open Cup 2023, ainda conhecida por Copa os Estado EUA), uma das competi��es mais tradicionais daquele pa�s�. Ant�nio Carlos comemora t�tulo Pelo Florida Cruz �
: Reprodu��o Instagram Nesta Temporada de Antonio Carlinhos disputou 24 jogospelo Francisco Teodoro marcando um gol com Uma
assist�ncia. No clube, ele usa a camisa 25! Ant�nio Carlos esteve perto de refor�ar o Flu nesta temporada e mas n�o conseguiu libera��o do Orlando City). A diferen�a para uma negocia��o deste momento � que dele ficar� livre no mercado na fim este m�s: O Florida Cruz tem um cl�usula com lhe permite estender os v�nculo pelo zagueiro at� 2024; por�m esse desejo ao jogador em defendero Fluminense deve favorecera Uma vindaao Riode Janeiro? Antonio Carlinhos usavaa25 neste Leonardo Silva �
: Reprodu��o Instagram Veja tamb�m
ficha t�cnica do jogador Nome: Ant�nio Carlos Cunha Capocasali JuniorPosi��o, ZagueiroData de nascimento): 07/03 /1993Local : Riode Janeiro-RJAltura e 1m91PrincipaiS times que defendeu; Corinthians. Ava�), Flamengo ( Palmeiras � Orlando City + Clique aqui para seguir o novo canal ge Fluminense no WhatesApp+ Leia mais not�cias da Flu -? Ou�a um podcast Ge Niter�i...? Assiste! tudo sobre osF No ga
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* bet com pokerstar dinheiro realAn ace-high straight flush, commonly known as a royal flush, is the best possible hand
in many variants of poker.
In poker, players form sets of five playing cards, called
hands, according to the rules of the game.[1] Each hand has a rank, which is compared
against the ranks of other hands participating in the showdown to decide who wins the
pot.[2] In high games, like Texas hold 'em and seven-card stud, the highest-ranking
hands win. In low games, like razz, the lowest-ranking hands win. In high-low split
games, both the highest-ranking and lowest-ranking hands win, though different rules
are used to rank the high and low hands.[3][4]
Each hand belongs to a category
determined by the patterns formed by its cards. A hand in a higher-ranking category
always ranks higher than a hand in a lower-ranking category. A hand is ranked within
its category using the ranks of its cards. Individual cards are ranked, from highest to
lowest: A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2.[5] However, aces have the highest
rank under ace-to-five high or six-to-ace low rules, or under high rules as part of a
five-high straight or straight flush.[6][7] Suits are not ranked, so hands that differ
by suit alone are of equal rank.[8]
There are nine categories of hand when using a
standard 52-card deck, except under ace-to-five low rules where straights, flushes and
straight flushes are not recognized. An additional category, five of a kind, exists
when using one or more wild cards. The fewer hands a category contains, the higher its
rank.[9] There are 52 ! ( 52 - 5 ) ! = 311,875,200 {\displaystyle {\begin{matrix}{\frac
{52!}{(52-5)!}}=311{,}875{,}200\end{matrix}}} ways to deal five cards from the deck but
only 52 ! ( 52 - 5 ) ! 5 ! = 2,598,960 {\displaystyle {\begin{matrix}{\frac
{52!}{(52-5)!5!}}=2{,}598{,}960\end{matrix}}} distinct hands, because the order in
which cards are dealt or arranged in a hand does not matter.[10] Moreover, since hands
differing only by suit are of equal rank, there are only 7,462 distinct hand
Hand-ranking categories [ edit ]
* Only possible when using one or more wild
cards ** Category does not exist under ace-to-five low rules
Five of a kind [ edit
Five of a kind, aces
Five of a kind is a hand that contains five cards of one rank,
such as 3? 3? 3? 3? 3 ("five of a kind, threes"). It ranks above a straight flush but
is only possible when using one or more wild cards, as there are only four cards of
each rank in the deck.[6] Five of a kind, aces, A? A? A? A? Jkr, becomes possible when
a joker is added to the deck as a bug, a form of wild card that may act as a fifth
ace.[5] Other wild card rules allow jokers or other designated cards to represent any
card in the deck, making it possible to form five of a kind of any rank.[12]
Each five
of a kind is ranked by the rank of its quintuplet. For example, Q? Q? Q? Q? Q ranks
higher than 6? 6? 6? 6? 6.[6][13]
Straight flush [ edit ]
A jack-high straight flush
straight flush is a hand that contains five cards of sequential rank, all of the same
suit, such as Q? J? 10? 9? 8? (a "queen-high straight flush").[4] It ranks below five
of a kind and above four of a kind.[5] Under high rules, an ace can rank either high
(as in A? K? Q? J? 10?, an ace-high straight flush) or low (as in 5? 4? 3? 2? A?, a
five-high straight flush), but cannot simultaneously rank both high and low (so Q? K?
A? 2? 3? is an ace-high flush, but not a straight).[6][13] Under deuce-to-seven low
rules, an ace always ranks high (so 5? 4? 3? 2? A? is an ace-high flush). Under
ace-to-six low rules, an ace always ranks low (so A? K? Q? J? 10? is a king-high
flush).[14] Under ace-to-five low rules, straight flushes are not possible (so 9? 8? 7?
6? 5? is a nine-high hand).[7]
Each straight flush is ranked by the rank of its
highest-ranking card. For example, 10? 9? 8? 7? 6? ranks higher than 8? 7? 6? 5? 4?,
which ranks higher than 6? 5? 4? 3? 2?. Straight flush hands that differ by suit alone,
such as 7? 6? 5? 4? 3? and 7? 6? 5? 4? 3?, are of equal rank.[6][13]
An ace-high
straight flush, such as A? K? Q? J? 10?, is called a royal flush or royal straight
flush and is the best possible hand in ace-high games when wild cards are not
used.[5][15][16] A five-high straight flush, such as 5? 4? 3? 2? A?, is called a steel
wheel and is both the best low hand and usually the best high hand of the showdown in
ace-to-five high-low split games.[4]
Four of a kind [ edit ]
Four of a kind, fives
of a kind, also known as quads, is a hand that contains four cards of one rank and one
card of another rank (the kicker), such as 9? 9? 9? 9? J? ("four of a kind, nines"). It
ranks below a straight flush and above a full house.[5]
Each four of a kind is ranked
first by the rank of its quadruplet, and then by the rank of its kicker. For example,
K? K? K? K? 3? ranks higher than 7? 7? 7? 7? Q?, which ranks higher than 7? 7? 7? 7?
10?. Four of a kind hands that differ by suit alone, such as 4? 4? 4? 4? 9? and 4? 4?
4? 4? 9?, are of equal rank.[6][13]
Full house [ edit ]
A full house, sixes over
A full house, also known as a full boat or a tight or a boat (and originally
called a full hand), is a hand that contains three cards of one rank and two cards of
another rank, such as 3? 3? 3? 6? 6? (a "full house, threes over sixes" or "threes full
of sixes" or "threes full").[17][18] It ranks below four of a kind and above a
Each full house is ranked first by the rank of its triplet, and then by the
rank of its pair. For example, 8? 8? 8? 7? 7? ranks higher than 4? 4? 4? 9? 9?, which
ranks higher than 4? 4? 4? 5? 5?. Full house hands that differ by suit alone, such as
K? K? K? J? J? and K? K? K? J? J?, are of equal rank.[6][13]
Flush [ edit ]
A jack-high
A flush is a hand that contains five cards all of the same suit, not all of
sequential rank, such as K? 10? 7? 6? 4? (a "king-high flush" or a "king-ten-high
flush").[19] It ranks below a full house and above a straight.[5] Under ace-to-five low
rules, flushes are not possible (so J? 8? 4? 3? 2? is a jack-high hand).[7]
Each flush
is ranked first by the rank of its highest-ranking card, then by the rank of its second
highest-ranking card, then by the rank of its third highest-ranking card, then by the
rank of its fourth highest-ranking card, and finally by the rank of its lowest-ranking
card. For example, K? J? 9? 6? 4? ranks higher than Q? J? 7? 6? 5?, which ranks higher
than J? 10? 9? 4? 2?, which ranks higher than J? 10? 8? 6? 3?, which ranks higher than
J? 10? 8? 4? 3?, which ranks higher than J? 10? 8? 4? 2?. Flush hands that differ by
suit alone, such as 10? 8? 7? 6? 5? and 10? 8? 7? 6? 5?, are of equal
Straight [ edit ]
A ten-high straight
A straight is a hand that contains
five cards of sequential rank, not all of the same suit, such as 7? 6? 5? 4? 3? (a
"seven-high straight"). It ranks below a flush and above three of a kind.[5] Under high
rules, an ace can rank either high (as in A? K? Q? J? 10?, an ace-high straight) or low
(as in 5? 4? 3? 2? A?, a five-high straight), but cannot simultaneously rank both high
and low (so Q? K? A? 2? 3? is an ace-high hand).[6][13] Under deuce-to-seven low rules,
an ace always ranks high (so 5? 4? 3? 2? A? is an ace-high hand). Under ace-to-six low
rules, an ace always ranks low (so A? K? Q? J? 10? is a king-high hand).[14] Under
ace-to-five low rules, straights are not possible (so 10? 9? 8? 7? 6? is a ten-high
Each straight is ranked by the rank of its highest-ranking card. For example,
J? 10? 9? 8? 7? ranks higher than 10? 9? 8? 7? 6?, which ranks higher than 6? 5? 4? 3?
2?. Straight hands that differ by suit alone, such as 9? 8? 7? 6? 5? and 9? 8? 7? 6?
5?, are of equal rank.[6][13]
An ace-high straight, such as A? K? Q? J? 10?, is called
a Broadway straight,[20] while a five-high straight, such as 5? 4? 3? 2? A?, is called
a baby straight,[21] bicycle or wheel and is the best possible hand in ace-to-five low
games (where it is a high card hand, not a straight).[22][23]
Three of a kind [ edit
Three of a kind, queens
Three of a kind, also known as trips or a set, is a hand that
contains three cards of one rank and two cards of two other ranks (the kickers), such
as 2? 2? 2? K? 6? ("three of a kind, twos" or "trip twos" or a "set of twos"). It ranks
below a straight and above two pair.[5]
Each three of a kind is ranked first by the
rank of its triplet, then by the rank of its highest-ranking kicker, and finally by the
rank of its lowest-ranking kicker. For example, 6? 6? 6? Q? 4? ranks higher than 3? 3?
3? K? 2?, which ranks higher than 3? 3? 3? J? 7?, which ranks higher than 3? 3? 3? J?
5?. Three of a kind hands that differ by suit alone, such as 9? 9? 9? 10? 8? and 9? 9?
9? 10? 8?, are of equal rank.[6][13]
In community card games, such as Texas hold 'em,
three of a kind is called a set only when it comprises a pocket pair and a third card
on the board.[24]
Two pair [ edit ]
Two pair, jacks and threes
Two pair is a hand that
contains two cards of one rank, two cards of another rank and one card of a third rank
(the kicker), such as J? J? 4? 4? 9? ("two pair, jacks and fours" or "two pair, jacks
over fours" or "jacks up").[17][25] It ranks below three of a kind and above one
Each two pair is ranked first by the rank of its higher-ranking pair, then by
the rank of its lower-ranking pair, and finally by the rank of its kicker. For example,
10? 10? 2? 2? K? ranks higher than 5? 5? 4? 4? 10?, which ranks higher than 5? 5? 3? 3?
Q?, which ranks higher than 5? 5? 3? 3? J?. Two pair hands that differ by suit alone,
such as K? K? 7? 7? 8? and K? K? 7? 7? 8?, are of equal rank.[6][13]
One pair [ edit
One pair, tens
One pair, or simply a pair, is a hand that contains two cards of one
rank and three cards of three other ranks (the kickers), such as 4? 4? K? 10? 5? ("one
pair, fours" or a "pair of fours"). It ranks below two pair and above high
Each one pair is ranked first by the rank of its pair, then by the rank of its
highest-ranking kicker, then by the rank of its second highest-ranking kicker, and
finally by the rank of its lowest-ranking kicker. For example, 9? 9? Q? J? 5? ranks
higher than 6? 6? K? 7? 4?, which ranks higher than 6? 6? Q? J? 2?, which ranks higher
than 6? 6? Q? 8? 7?, which ranks higher than 6? 6? Q? 8? 3?. One-pair hands that differ
by suit alone, such as 8? 8? 10? 6? 5? and 8? 8? 10? 6? 5?, are of equal
High card [ edit ]
High card, king
High card, also known as no pair or
simply nothing, is a hand that does not fall into any other category, such as K? J? 8?
7? 4? ("high card, king" or "king-jack-high" or "king-high").[17][26] Note that under
ace-to-five low rules, straights, flushes and straight flushes are not possible, so
such hands are instead high card hands.[7] It ranks below one pair.[5]
Each high card
hand is ranked first by the rank of its highest-ranking card, then by the rank of its
second highest-ranking card, then by the rank of its third highest-ranking card, then
by the rank of its fourth highest-ranking card, and finally by the rank of its
lowest-ranking card. For example, K? 6? 5? 3? 2? ranks higher than Q? J? 6? 5? 3?,
which ranks higher than Q? 10? 8? 7? 4?, which ranks higher than Q? 10? 7? 6? 4?, which
ranks higher than Q? 10? 7? 5? 4?, which ranks higher than Q? 10? 7? 5? 2?. High card
hands that differ by suit alone, such as 10? 8? 7? 6? 4? and 10? 8? 7? 6? 4?, are of
equal rank.[6][13]
Under deuce-to-seven low rules, a seven-five-high hand, such as 7?
5? 4? 3? 2?, is the best possible hand.[27] Under ace-to-six low rules, where aces have
the lowest rank, a six-four-high hand, such as 6? 4? 3? 2? A?, is the best possible
hand.[28] Under ace-to-five low rules, where aces have the lowest rank and straights,
flushes and straight flushes are not possible, a five-high hand, such as 5? 4? 3? 2? A?
or 5? 4? 3? 2? A?, commonly known as a bicycle or wheel, is the best possible
See also [ edit ]
References [ edit ]
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This page shows the overview of the entire poker glossary. Feel free to use this page as a base for identifying and navigating to the most important poker terms. Alternatively, the related topics at the bottom of each page can be used to jump directly between glossary entries.
Ace High � A made hand without at least a pair where the high card is an Ace.
Action � Can refer to any of the available options such as bet, raise, call, check, fold etc. See this glossary entry for a breakdown.
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