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for added than 50 years, one of the best affidavit to watch james bond movies has been the gadgets. no one has anytime had bigger toys than abettor 007 and that includes his best of part time jobs from home erie pa. now one of the added memorable timepieces is about to go on the bargain block.

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a rolex watch is consistently a accessible account to accept on your wrist but in the 1973 blur �live and let die� it was james bond�s submariner 5513 that adored his life. the alarm came able with a tiny buzzsaw acceleration as the bezel, which accustomed the abstruse abettor to cut through wrist restraints to accomplish his escape from an angry cool villain.

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the aforementioned watch beat by roger moore in the blur will be featured at an accessible bargain of accomplished watches at phillips in geneva. while rolex customized the rolex replica watch for the film, the submariner traveling on the block is a archetypal from 1972 with the cast denticulate bezel and adventurous dial. the amateur active �roger moore 007� on the caseback with a atramentous cast and included will be cine stills featuring bond the watch.

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this watch is abnormally absorbing aback it�s the endure rolex to be beat by the hero in a bond film. sean connery sported a replica rolex in the aboriginal bond film, 1962�s �dr. no� and added pieces from the cast appeared in �goldfinger� and �on her majesty�s abstruse service.� after �live and let die� the iconic superspy switched to watches from omega and tag heuer.

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if you�re appetite this replica rolex submariner 5513, be able to accompany a lot of banknote to the auction. adding this celebrated alarm to your accumulating will set your aback about $150,000 to $250,000 but it�s the absolute accretion for the bond fan that has everything.

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