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  • new features:
    adjustable stroke
  • powered options:
    4.5w faulhaber motor
  • body:
    aircraft aluminium
  • weight (inc. grip):
    165g approx.
  • operating voltage:
  • uk made:
    designed and engineered by ed waldron of nedz micro-rotaries

designed for cheyenne, t-tech, ez and nedz cartridges.

nedz clicker grip included.

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the hurricane has my adjustable cam from 2-5.25mm and the grip has 24 clicks instead of the normal 12-14 so it has a finer adjustment. it weighs 165g with the grip and runs strong at about 6 volts and it comes fully guaranteed for 2 years. in my opinion it�s my best machine after my stubbie..

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hurricane micro rotary machine from nedz

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